Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

New Camcorder

Here is one of the first videos we took with our new camcorder. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa De Bonis for gifting us this camera :) Today we had a great day with aunt Casey, uncle Tuan, and cousin Jonah. They came over and we went to the pool and we all splashed around a bit. I dunked little ben's toes in the water, which he did not like. Sorry Ben, but you will be a little water baby. Then Tuan bought us all burritos which Mary had been craving since the baby came and we had a great lunch, thanks Tuan. A great family day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

3 Generations

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Ben with Aunt Rebecca (Aunt G the T)

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Ben meets Uncle Danny

Uncle Danny was out in California unexpectedly so he got to meet his new nephew. We had a great visit and wish it could have been longer. Thanks to Aunt Rebecca for driving Danny over to the house and for all the cute clothes.

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happy family

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008