Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ben Hangs Ten

Ben's internal clock is still on California time so we've all be getting up around 5 a.m. The good thing is we've gotten to go out to the beach for the sunrise. This is a picture of Ben's first sunrise...he didnt seem that impressed. :)
Ben's first sandy feet.
Ben hangs ten on his first time in the ocean...
Eye's wide open, Ben is really trying to take it all in now. We love to watch him turing his head back and forth to look at everything as we walk around.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aloha from Lanikai

As you can see Ben is sporting his new shades on his first day in Hawaii. The three of us went for a stroll along Lanikai beach, which is a short walk from our vacation rental.
We got a beach cabana shade and its hard to imagine what we did without provides a nice refuge from the sun and wind for Ben.
Mr. Ben means business on the beach.
This picture was taken at about 615 am. Dad & Ben went for a sunrise walk on the beach.
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